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Tom Thacker Residential Recovery Course
Background - Tom Thacker
Tom typified the predicament many veterans
in supported living find themselves. He was a soldier
in the REME and he found civilian life tough.
Tom was in supported living in Leek, Staffordshire. He was desperate to work but his accommodation provider was being paid a housing premium of approx £1500 a month.
He was a single man and unable to access social housing. If he worked, he needed to earn over £1500 per month just to pay his rent - or become homeless again. Tom couldn't work full time because he needed to attend medical and support appointments, not just for his health, but also as a condition of his tenancy, therefore he couldn't work more than 16 hours and it wasn't enough to change his situation.
In May 2022 Tom went into a mental health crisis. He did exactly what was expected and referred himself into Op COURAGE, the dedicated NHS mental health pathway.
The absence of coordinated care prevented the NHS from informing the DWP and his benefits were sanctioned as he wasn't attending appointments. By Sept Tom was in rent arrears with his supported living provider, trying to live on £200 a month and tackle his demons.
Tom felt trapped by the system that was supposed to be supporting him, he lost hope as he couldn't see a way out and ended his life by suicide.
In Tom's memory and determined to learn the lessons of Tom's struggles, we founded the Tom Thacker Residential Recovery Course.
Course Aim
To support the transfer of vulnerable adults with complex needs to independent living and sustainable employment within 3 months through a residential peer supported living course.
Through engaged peer support, beneficiaries will receive 'a hand up not a hand out.'
Course Content
The first 14 days of the course are focussed on needs assessments with GP's, mental health services, addiction and alcohol support services to the fore.
Every beneficiary will receive their own bespoke recovery plan within 14 days of arriving on the course. The recovery plan will integrate and align the respective care plans of all support services.
As soon as practicably possible, focus turns to employment, education and/or training to develop plans that achieve the aspirations of the beneficiaries within the constraints of appointments and consultations with support services.
From week 6 onwards, we focus on the resettlement of beneficiaries to their chosen location. This includes the handover of support services, the sourcing of suitable/affordable independent living accommodation and the handover of peer mentoring duties (specifically the delivery of the recovery plan) to a Rawthey mentor in the beneficiary new home location.
Candidates are required to have served in the armed forces, emergency services or NHS. They are to be de-toxified from alcohol and drugs prior to attendance.
Candidates can refer themselves or be referred by family or a support worker. Candidates are required to provide permission for the Tom Thacker Team to speak to their GP, support workers and family to gain a complete understanding of their needs and current care plans.
Rawthey work with Clinical Commissioning Groups, Social Care Prescribing Link Workers and a number of charities to fund the course placements.
Funding includes every aspect of the 3 months course (housing, food, transport, etc).
Recovery Planning & Peer Support
The fragemntation of support can make recovery insurmountable for vulnerable adults. With the dedication of a 24/7 Peer Mentor, we liaise with all support agencies alongside the beneficiary and help them to navigate the myriad of support services within a structured and written recovery plan.
Developing Aspiration
Compromised psychological resilience also compromises aspiration. Within the first 6 weeks of recovery we work hard to redevelop aspiration and The residential recovery provides beneficiaries with the opportunity to rapidly change their environment and re-evaluate their situation with the support of peers and clinical proffessionals. beneficiaries to see their potential.
Employment, Education or/and Training
We are never too old to learn new skills and what better time than when beneficiaries are embracing recovery? Education and training can also be important platforms for broadening social groups and leaving toxic influences behind.
Employment Network
Many businesses recognise the redundant values and skills of armed forces, emergency services and NHS veterans. Through awareness of our work we continue to build our nationwide network of employers who take a long term perspective on supporting our beneficiaries through recovery and the many years loyalty that follows after supporting someone through the most challenging time of their lives.
If you own or are in a business that wants to deliver Corporate Social Responsibility in a demonstrable way, please get in touch at the link below:
If you are an employer who wants to recruit reliable, hard working, disciplined and motivated staff, please get in touch at the link below: